Aikidō teacher and Japanese studies scholar
5. dan Aikidō, Aikikai Honbu Dōjō
Martial Arts since 1982, Aikidō since 1991
Teaching experience since 1985
16 years of training in Japan,
10 years of those at Aikikai Honbu Dōjō.
Since November 2024: Teaching Saturdays' regular class at Aikido Dojo München.
Since August 2024: Teaching Mondays' regular class at Aikido Dojo München.
Since June 2024: Teaching Mondays' Kids' class at Aikido Dojo München.
April 2024: Successful participation at Special Association for Aikido in Bavaria's Specialist Trainer
Licence course.
8th-12th of January 2024 Coaching the Dan grading preparation course in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
October 2023 til Jly 2024 Teacher of TSV Grünwald's (Munich) Aikidō course
2016-2023 Teacher of Free University Berlin's sports program Aikidō course
2016 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō Seminar in Takasaki, Japan
11th of January, 2015, Promotion to 5th Dan, Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Japan
2014-2020 Member of the Grading Committee of the German Aikido Federation
2013-2020 Head of Aikidōkan Berlin
2012 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō
Seminar in Tōkyō, Japan
2012-2013 Aikidō teacher at Aikidō Dōjō am Gleisdreieck, Berlin
2010-2019 Interpreter at British Aikidō Federation Summer School,
2000-2010 Aikidō at Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Tōkyō
Main teachers:
2007-2010 Voluntary manager of Aikikai Honbu Dōjō
May 2009 Grading to 4. Dan, Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Japan
2008 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō
Seminar in Tanabe, Japan
2000-2004 Participation at International Budō Seminar in Katsuura,
Organizer: Nippon Budōkan
1996-99 Aikidō and Kashima Shin-ryū Kenjutsu at Shiseikan,
Dōjō of Meiji Shrine, Tōkyō
1998 Grading to 1. Dan
1993-97 Seiryūkai Aiki-Jūjutsu, Tōkyō
Teacher: Nishiyama Hiroshi Shihan
1995 Grading to 2. Dan
1991-93 Aikidō at University of Cologne and Martial Arts School
Teacher: Asai Katsuaki Shihan
1985 General Coaching Licence of German Sports Association
1983-91 Karate-dō and Okinawa Kobudō at Asahi Telgte e.V.
Teacher: Gisbert Krebs
6. Mai 1995 1. Dan awarded
1982-83 Jūjutsu at Warendorfer Sportunion e.V.
Since August 2024: Teaching Mondays' regular class at Aikido Dojo München.
Since June 2024: Teaching Mondays' Kids' class at Aikido Dojo München.
April 2024: Successful participation at Special Association for Aikido in Bavaria's Specialist Trainer
Licence course.
8th-12th of January 2024 Coaching the Dan grading preparation course in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
October 2023 til Jly 2024 Teacher of TSV Grünwald's (Munich) Aikidō course
2016-2023 Teacher of Free University Berlin's sports program Aikidō course
2016 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō Seminar in Takasaki, Japan
11th of January, 2015, Promotion to 5th Dan, Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Japan
2014-2020 Member of the Grading Committee of the German Aikido Federation
2013-2020 Head of Aikidōkan Berlin
2012 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō
Seminar in Tōkyō, Japan
2012-2013 Aikidō teacher at Aikidō Dōjō am Gleisdreieck, Berlin
2010-2019 Interpreter at British Aikidō Federation Summer School,
2000-2010 Aikidō at Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Tōkyō
Main teachers:
2007-2010 Voluntary manager of Aikikai Honbu Dōjō
May 2009 Grading to 4. Dan, Aikikai Honbu Dōjō, Japan
2008 Voluntary manager and interpreter at International Aikidō
Seminar in Tanabe, Japan
2000-2004 Participation at International Budō Seminar in Katsuura,
Organizer: Nippon Budōkan
1996-99 Aikidō and Kashima Shin-ryū Kenjutsu at Shiseikan,
Dōjō of Meiji Shrine, Tōkyō
1998 Grading to 1. Dan
1993-97 Seiryūkai Aiki-Jūjutsu, Tōkyō
Teacher: Nishiyama Hiroshi Shihan
1995 Grading to 2. Dan
1991-93 Aikidō at University of Cologne and Martial Arts School
Teacher: Asai Katsuaki Shihan
1985 General Coaching Licence of German Sports Association
1983-91 Karate-dō and Okinawa Kobudō at Asahi Telgte e.V.
Teacher: Gisbert Krebs
6. Mai 1995 1. Dan awarded
1982-83 Jūjutsu at Warendorfer Sportunion e.V.
2013-2020 Head of Aikidōkan Berlin
2012-2013 Aikidō teacher at Aikidō Dōjō am Gleisdreieck, Berlin
2010-2012 Translator (German/English/Japanese)
1999-2010 Lecturer at several universities in Tōkyō (Keiō Gijuku University, Waseda University, et al.)
2004-2006 regular TV appearance in NHK “German Conversation”
1994-2006 Lecturer at several private language schools and cultural
institutes (Asahi Culture Center, et al.)
1995-2000 Graduate School and M.A. for Asian Studies at Sophia
University, Tōkyō (Honors degree)
1996 Japanese Proficiency Test 1. kyū (highest level) passed
1993-1995 Japanese language studies at Tōkyō School of the Japanese
1990-1993 Japanese Studies at University of Cologne
simultaneously Japanese conversation courses at Japanese Cultural Institute, Cologne
1989-1990 Mathematics and Computer Science studies at University
of Münster
1988 High School Graduation at Private Episcopal High School
Johanneum, Ostbevern
Born 1967